GRWG Microwave Sub-Group Web Meeting 2015-09-16

GSICS Web Meeting on MW Subgroup


1. Introduction, review of any ongoing/action items - Ralph Ferraro (20 min)
  • Joint CEOS and GSICS Activities and meetings?- Cheng-Zhi Zou and Xialong Dong
  • Where do we stand on GSICS MW products? - Manik Bali, Tim Hewison, and Ralph
2. Planning for the GSICS User's Workshop (at EUMETSAT Satellite Conference) – Manik, Tim, etc. (20 min)
  • Questionaire/responses
  • Expectations from users
3. Science Updates (15 min each) 4. High points from the 183 GHz workshop in Paris - Vinia Mattioli (10 min)

5. Wrap up and Next meeting (5 min)


Chair: Ralph Ferraro



EUMETSAT: Tim Hewison, Vinia Mattioli, Karsten Fenning (DWD)


KMA: Jun Park

NASA:Rachel Kroodsma


NOAA: Manik Bali, Cheng-Zhi Zou, Wenze Yang, Isaac Moradi


Old Actions:
  • Status of joint GSICS and CEOS MW coordination (Cheng-Zhi, Xialong) - The tentative plan is to leverage the IGARSS 2016 meeting (Beijing, July 2016) to have these two groups meet. Xialong has agreed to fund Cheng-Zhi's visit; awaiting NESDIS/STAR approval to move forward with this.
  • Where do we stand on GSICS MW products (Tim, Manik) -Lengthy discussion that included input from Tim's presentation at the GSICS Executive panel meeting and Manik's at the GDWG/GRWG meeting. Main concerns are still the calibration standard and what are the user requirements. We may make some progress forward after the GUW discussions.
General Agenda Items
  • Planning for the GUW (Tim, Manik, Ralph) - To date, only a few user responses to the questionnaire; GSICS MW Sub group members encouraged to fill out and distribute to potential users. Sante Laviola (ISAC-CNR) will present at GUW as a beta-user; Karsten will also present as a MW users; Ralph will summarize the survey results (remotely) while Tim will lead the in-room discussion.
  • GPM XCAL Update (Rachel) - The latest and greatest from the X-CAL (which met in June) were presented. Rachel continues to serve as a liaison between the two groups. She noted that Wes Berg will need chair the X-CAL (Tom Wilheit is more retired now). Also, a nice monitoring web site -
  • ATMS and SAPHIR comparisons (Isaac) - A nice comparison between SAPHIR and ATMS was presented. They agree quite well. Independent comparisons with radiosondes and GPS-RO performed as well.
  • Summary of 183 GHz Workshop (Vinia) - The workshop was held in Paris, France (June 29-30). Goal was to identify lingering differences between satellite measurements and simulations. Working groups focused on different aspects of the biases, with the main conclusions being undetected clouds, surface contamination (lowest peaking channels), spectroscopy and instrument errors as the main causes of the differences.


New Actions:
  • Ralph to contact Wes Berg (new XCAL chair) about developing stronger links between the two groups.
  • Cheng-Zhi and Xialong to continue to formalize plans for the GSICS/CEOS interactions
  • Ralph, Tim, Manik to discuss next phases of GSICS MW products (after the GUW and prior to next telecon).
  • Ralph to schedule next telecon in the Dec/Jan time frame. Dave Walker (NIST) has volunteered to give a presentation.
-- RalphFerraro - 02 Sep 2015

I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Bali_MW_Products_16Sept2015.pdfpdf Bali_MW_Products_16Sept2015.pdf manage 330 K 18 Sep 2015 - 15:58 RalphFerraro Bali MW Product Slides
GSICS_MW_Subgroup_Meeting_Agenda_-_16Sep2015.pdfpdf GSICS_MW_Subgroup_Meeting_Agenda_-_16Sep2015.pdf manage 80 K 14 Sep 2015 - 18:39 RalphFerraro Meeting Agenda
Kroodsma_GSICS_presentation_20150916.pdfpdf Kroodsma_GSICS_presentation_20150916.pdf manage 379 K 16 Sep 2015 - 00:16 RalphFerraro Kroodsma Slides
MW-SubGroup-16Sep2016.pdfpdf MW-SubGroup-16Sep2016.pdf manage 79 K 14 Sep 2015 - 18:39 RalphFerraro Ferraro slides
MW_Products_16Sept2015.pptxpptx MW_Products_16Sept2015.pptx manage 322 K 18 Sep 2015 - 16:15 ManikBali Where do we stand on GSICS MW products?
Moradi_Sounders_Meeting.pdfpdf Moradi_Sounders_Meeting.pdf manage 6 MB 16 Sep 2015 - 15:39 RalphFerraro Moradi Slides
Presentation_GSICS-183GHZ_worshop-Mattioli.pptxpptx Presentation_GSICS-183GHZ_worshop-Mattioli.pptx manage 1 MB 16 Sep 2015 - 07:15 TimHewison Presentation GSICS-183GHZ worshop-Mattioli.pptx
Topic revision: r12 - 18 Sep 2015, ManikBali
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