GRWG Microwave Sub-Group Web Meeting 2016-07-26, 1100 UTC
GSICS Web Meeting on Microwave Sub-Group
- Welcome and general business - Ralph Ferraro
- Old Actions
- Review of 2016 goals and topical area co-lead volunteers (be ready to raise your hands!)
- Outcome of CEOS-GSICS Microwave Meeting - Cheng-Zhi Zou
- GRUAN and it's potential contribution to GSICS - Tony Reale
- Microwave Sub-Group "Work Space" - Ralph
- GSICS Users Meeting - Ralph, Manik
Guest Chair: Ralph Ferraro
EUMETSAT: Tim Hewison, Vinia Mattioli
JAXA: Misako Kachi
KMA: Dohyeong Kim, Jun Park, Minju Gu
NASA: Rachel Kroodsma
NOAA: Ralph Ferraro, Cheng-Zhi Zou, Manik Bali, Tony Reale, Johnny Luo
RAL: , Dave Smith
Ralph introduced the agenda and reviewed outstanding action items, all of which formulated the agenda for today's meeting. He also reviewed the 2016 goals for the group and "reached out" for volunteers to help lead three sub-topical areas - Methodologies, Reference Standards; Correction Tables (see action below). This
co-leads are urgently needed if we are to make progress on these primary areas!
Cheng-Zhi presented a nice summary of the joint CEOS/WGCV-GSICS Microwave subgroups that took place in Beijing, China on July 6-7 (see his slides). Excellent dialog took place between the two groups, both offering complimentary work (CEOS seems more focused on calibration guidelines and pre-launch assessments, with emphasis on active sensors whereas GSICS focus to date has been on developing real time calibration corrections and microwave sounders). Cheng-Zhi will continue to serve as our liaison with the CEOS group.
Tony Reale (NOAA) gave an excellent presentation on the use of the GRUAN observation network within NOAA NPROVS+ system and its possible contribution to GSICS (see his slides). The high quality GRUAN radiosondes could be part of a reference standard for satellite sensors or RTM's. It was suggested by Tony that perhaps a strong statement from GSICS MW group would be helpful to move collaborations forward. Tim suggested that we receive regular updates from Tony. Tony also mentioned that he can provide NPROVS+ data to the group, they just need to send him a request.
Manik provided a quick summary of the upcoming GSICS User's Workshop (GUW) on July 11 in College Park, MD USA (see his slides). A session dedicated to Microwave has been organized by Ralph and Manik.
Because of time constraints, Ralph just briefly introduced the concept of a microwave subgroup "work space" where we can start to share work and bolster collaborations. He would like feedback and input on the page content (see action below). The URL is
1. Co-lead volunteers to contact Ralph with their interest to lead one of the three sub-groups. Ralph will begin to "nominate" leaders if the response is low.
2. Members to provide feedback to Ralph regarding the structure of the MW workspace; members should also begin to populate the workspace with their relevant work.
3. Ralph to organize next meeting for the October/November time frame. Candidate talks could include updates from KMA regarding their planned microwave sensors, possible cross-calibration ideas from EUMETSAT involving similar MW and hyperspectral IR channels and needs for more access to L1 passive microwave data sets from all sensors.