GRWG/GDWG Web Meeting 2017-11-21

GSICS Web Meeting to Plan 2018 Annual Meeting + SI-traceable Reference Workshop

  1. Scott Hu (CMA) – Logistic information, invitations, hotel, travel, visas, remote access, internet, venue
  2. Top-level topics for agenda, Meeting structure - Mini Conference, agency reports, plenary topics, break-out sessions
    1. Dohyeong Kim (KMA) - Overall coordination and GRWG plenary
    2. Masaya Takahashi (JMA)/Pete Miu (EUM) - GDWG session
    3. Larry Flynn (NOAA) - GCC contributions
    4. Tim Hewison (EUMETSAT) - IR Sub-Group session
    5. Dave Doelling (NASA) - VIS/NIR Sub-Group session - with input from Sebastien Wagner on Lunar Calibration Workshop
    6. Ralph Feraro (NOAA) - Microwave Sub-Group session
    7. Rose Munro (EUMETSAT) - UV Sub-Group session
  3. All - Coordinating detailed agenda development - Zoho docs? - further web meeting
  4. Scott Hu (CMA) - Possible workshop on SI-traceable hyperspectral reference instruments


KMA: Dohy Kim (Chair)

EUM: Tim Hewison, Seb Wagner, Rose Munro, Peter Miu, Alessandro Burini

JAXA: Kei Shiomi

NOAA: Larry Flynn, Manik Bali, Ralph Ferraro, Changyong Cao

NASA: Dave Doelling

CMA: Xu Zhe (Thomas), Scott Hu, Na Xu, Lei Ding

JMA: Masaya Takahashi, Yusuke Yogo

Scott Hu (CMA) – Logistic information, invitations, hotel, travel, visas, remote access, internet, venue

19-23 March 2018 Shanghai

Local Host: Shanghai Institute of Technology and Physics (main vendor of CMA instruments)

Hotel nearby

Still waiting approval for meeting

Hope to announce all information end of this week

Preparing website for meeting

Summarised the very successful Lunar Calibration Workshop - 22 agencies, which took place last week.

FY-3D launched 15 Nov with many improvements

- especially improved MERSI and 3 space weather sensors

- sensors will be turned on end of this week, to start commissioning next week


- many attendees need invitation letters asap to trigger travel applications

- Scott hopes to start this next week, following official approval

- Dohyeong will then send announcement

- invitation letters need to include red seal to be treated as official

Remote Access
  • Internet connection available in meeting rooms

  • Tim emphasised the importance of remote access and suggested CMA work together with the host organisation to set it up, as it is difficult for EUMETSAT to provide remote support for WebEx.

  • Scott will investigate setting up a WebEx account


  • Now scheduled to be the week after the GRWG/GDWG meeting

  • But this could conflict with the possible SI-traceable workshop

Dohyeong Kim (KMA) - Overall coordination and GRWG plenary

Top-level topics for agenda, Meeting structure - Mini Conference, agency reports, plenary topics, break-out sessions

Dohyeong gave an overview of the proposed structure of the meeting, following the 2017 meeting.

Mini Conference

  • 2 presentation each for FY-3D & FY-4 commissioning

  • Allow 2 or 3 Host organisation presentations - Scott will discuss with SITP

  • GOES-16 going live in Jan (could be included in Mini Conference, or in Tuesday)

  • Access to FY-4 GEO sounder data? Should be opened by end 2017, and will provide samples to NOAA through bilateral agreement

  • Possible tour of SITP facilities - need to know timing as soon as possible

  • Chair: Peng Zhang

Agency Reports

  • 10 of 20 minutes

  • Chair: Tim

Chair Reports

  • Chair: Scott


  • Seb suggested to present a straw-man on the requirements for the GSICS Plotting Tool in this session to allow participants to consider during other discussion. He will send draft user requirements document this week.

  • Include FIDUCEO feedback if any on Prime Correction Concept

  • Chair: ?

Masaya Takahashi (JMA)/Pete Miu (EUM) - GDWG session

Similar structure as 2017

  • GDWG baseline reviews (websites, products, metadata and structures)

  • Need to revisit the question of chairing

  • GSICS Collaboration Servers - configuration and synchronization

  • Use of GitHub - e.g. updating GSICS Plotting Tool (resources available?)

  • Instrument Event Logging (almost all agencies now have instrument landing pages)

  • GSICS Action tracking tool (with GCC)

  • New GSICS product conventions

  • Need 1.5-2 days to be coordinated with the GRWG interests

Cross-cutting Issues (Friday am)

  • Drafting template for agency’s GSICS Annual Report (following action from EP-18)

  • Github - showcase to GRWG

  • Wrap-up Requirements for GSICS Plotting Tool & implementation plan (EUM presentation)

  • Updates on action tracking tool

Larry Flynn (NOAA) - GCC contributions

-covered other agenda headings

Tim Hewison (EUMETSAT) - IR Sub-Group session

Tim proposed the following topics for the IR part of the agenda:

  1. GEO-ring (actually cross-cutting): Data, Analysis, User Engagement
    (composite RGBs - ask Jochen, Hidehiko, Jean-Baptiste Hernandez of Meteo France, Gary Jedlovec of NASA Marshall Space Flight Center)
  2. GEO-LEO IR: Product progress, handling diurnal variations, application to GEO sounders
  3. LEO-LEO IR: algorithm development
  4. Reference instrument migration: GEO-LEO double differences with IASI-A/B/CrIS/AIRS/…
  5. Reference Instrument Traceability and Uncertainty Report
  6. Inter-comparisons of Hyperspectral instruments
  7. SRF retrievals (Manik will provide update before meeting)

Dave Doelling (NASA) - VIS/NIR Sub-Group session

Lunar Calibration (from Sebastien Wagner)

  • Summary and outcome of the 2nd Joint GSICS/IVOS Lunar Calibration Workshop

  • Traceability of the GIRO to the ROLO using the GIRO benchmark (report on progress)

  • Update on the inter-calibration using the Moon

  • Using the Moon for inter-band calibration

  • Progress from the agencies (developments / data preparation / new datasets)

  • Alternative use of lunar images (post-launch characterisation of the MTFs)

  • Discussion items

    • Evolution of the GLOD,

    • How to coordinate activities with IVOS (MTF for instance)

Agreed that the lunar calibration development focuses first on stability, then on absolute calibration.

Changyong Cao reported NOAA’s recent reprocessing of VIIRS data using combination of lunar and DCC calibration methods

The rest of the VIS/NIR session will focus on

  • the migration to NPP/VIIRS as a inter-calibration reference

  • - with updates on the performance of JPSS-1/VIIRS

  • Application of the DCC method to SWIR and new GEO imagers

  • SBAF tools

  • Requirements for CLARREO Pathfinder Mission in 2022. Move to workshop?

  • Solar reference spectra (jointly with UVSG)

  • Rayleigh scattering?

    • May be followed up in a dedicated web meeting, to allow input from:

    • NASA Ocean Colour group, Bob Iacovazzi, Bertrand Fougnie and Alessandro Burini

Ralph Ferraro (NOAA) - Microwave Sub-Group session

  • At least half-day, depending on who will be there and remote access

  • Need to consider number of attendees and parallel session requirements

  • Scott confirmed that at least 3 meeting rooms are available.

  • Could run in parallel with UV or VIS/NIR, preferably in the afternoon/evening to facilitate remote access

Rose Munro (EUMETSAT) - UV Sub-Group session

Similar to 2017:

  • Reference solar spectrum

  • Match-ups and target sites

  • Cross-calibration below 300nm

  • White paper on ground-based characterisation of UV/VIS/NIR/SWIR spectrometers

  • Probably only need half day, but needs remote attendance

  • (Idea: Could be in the evening after a visit to SITP?)

Coordinating the agenda

==> Chairs to provide time needed for outline agenda items to Dohyeong by end 2017

Seb highlighted the importance of volunteers taking minutes,

  • which can be done well in ZoHo

  • (but users need to set up account independent of Google)

  • Template is really helpful (Masaya kindly volunteered to set up such a template)

Follow-up web meeting

  • January

Scott Hu (CMA) - Possible workshop on SI-traceable hyperspectral reference instruments

CMA have been planning this workshop since 2 years. Meanwhile, China have already initiated the development of SI-traceable instruments and recently another large project to establish SI-traceable. However, instrument development technique is very challenging, so China wants to learn from the experiences of other. However, the time before annual workshop may not be enough to develop ideas further - although SITP are very interested to host such a workshop, sponsored by CMA.
  • What would CMA/SITP want to achieve?

  • Who would need?

    • Key speakers could include members of IVOS, GSICS, CLARREO and TRUTHS teams, as well as SITP - e.g. Nigel Fox, Hank, Bruce, Dave Tobin,

  • Should be pushed from GSICS

    • may be best hosted elsewhere to facilitate attendance - e.g. Europe

    • Could be coordinated with CLARREO team and IVOS

  • Could extend scope to include lunar calibration?

    • Could, for example, be extended to address SI-traceable requirements

⇒ Scott will initiative contact with IVOS, CLARREO and key members of the GSICS community (e.g. Dave Tobin) to consider setting up a dedicated workshop later in 2018.

Topic revision: r6 - 24 Nov 2017, TimHewison
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