GRWG Microwave Sub-Group Web Meeting 2019-05-07

1100-1300 UTC


1. Introductions, old business, action items - Ralph Ferraro (NOAA/NESDIS) - 5 min

2. Review of 2019 GSICS Annual Meeting, actions, etc - Ralph, Qifeng, Manik - 45 min
  • Full meeting minutes
  • Plenary Briefing
  • MW All Day Session
  • MW Specific Actions
3. Special Session at Microrad 2020? - S. Laviola (CNR/ISAC) - 10 min
  • Microrad2020 - March 2020, Milan, Italy
4. Update on GRUAN - T. Reale (NOAA/NESDIS) - 15 min

5. Co-Chairmanship - R. Ferraro - 5 min

6. Wrap up - Ralph Ferraro/Qifeng Lu - 5 min


Ralph started the meeting by mentioning that the emphasis today was going to review the outcomes of the MW related topics at the February GSICS Annual Meeting. Tim pointed out an open AMT Discussion article on microwave moon observations that should be of interest to the group (

Tony Reale gave an update on the GRUAN activities that his NOAA team is involved with, and also showed some intercomparisons on different radiosondes used at one of the sites - he noted differences in a saturated part of the atmosphere. Details are provided in his slides. Data from his activity are being supplied to Isaac Moradi who is conducting RTM intercomparisons, Isaac will have some results to share at the next meeting.

We also discussed the possiblity of a GSICS focus at the upcoming Microrad 2020 meeting (in Milan). Sante Laviola (via email) expressed willingness to help organize this. Tim noted that this meeting is one week after the 2020 GSICS Annual Meeting (which is in Seoul), it might be challenging to have GSICS MW members go to both. Rachel noted that the Microrad is a small meeting with just one main session, organized by abstracts that are submitted, so it might not be ripe for something dedicated to GSICS. Ralph took an action to poll the group to see who is interested in attending which meeting.

We spent the majority of the time talking about the MW focus portion of the Annual Meeting. Ralph, Tim and Manik gave verbal summaries; Ralph shared his slide deck that was presented at plenary and we also reviewed the all day MW session in detail, reviewing the meeting minutes and any associated actions. These are capture below, with relevant notes on each. Perhaps the biggest accomplishment has been the develivery of the GPM X-Cal for use by GSICS; Manik mentioned that this is now going to be discussed and hopefully approved by the EP in a few weeks.

R.GMW.2019.5j.1: Shengli Wu (CMA) to analyse SNOs as a function of radiance and latitude. (Shengli reported that this work has been completed and will show at the next meeting)

A.GMW.2019.5m.1: Bomin Sun (NOAA) to repeat analysis of time series with regular operational RS92 radiosondes and report comparison of results with those from GRUAN sondes. (Some of this was shown in Tony's presentation, at least the start of the study)

A.GMW.2019.5n.1: Rachel Kroodsma (NASA) to contact Wes Berg about sharing ATBD and university code with CMA.
A.GMW.2019.5n.2: Shengli Wu (CMA) to attempt to apply X-Cal algorithms to MWRI and report on completeness of algorithm description (by 2019-09) and results (by 2020-03).

Discussion on this, Ralph noted excitement by Mitch Goldberg on this, Rachel and Shengli need to work out what is exactly needed to carry this out. Rachel indicated that she will try to update the information on the web site.

A.GMW.2019.5n.3: Ralph Ferraro (NOAA) to re-send details of GPM X-Cal LUT deliverable to MWSG members for comment. (Completed, it is now going to EP for approval)

A.GMW.2019.5o.1: Isaac Moradi (UMD) to address large differences between N20 & SNPP WV channels with LBL model and compare the massive ensemble over the tropics. (Progress noted in minutes above; Isaac will report on in next meeting)

A.GMW.2019.5t.1 : Manik Bali (NOAA) to circulate white paper on microwave imager inter-calibration to all agencies for review/contribution. (Manik mentioned he will get this distributed in the near future)

A.GMW.2019.5x.1: MWSG Chair to coordinate the development of a summary of the current status of MW sensor calibration methods (by sensor and frequency type), needs by product type, and provide a 3-year roadmap for developing GSICS MW calibration products. (Ralph mentioned he will reinvigorate the MW group "work space" to update information related to MW calibration and use this as a starting point.

A.GMW.2019.5y.1: Ralph, Qifeng, Tim, Manik to identify and confirm new co-chair by May 1. (Ralph mentioned that Mark Liu will be replacing him as the MW Co-Chair, working with Qifeng Lu. Ralph will continue to participate as a member of the group.)

The next meeting will take place in September 2019. Potential speakers include Isaac Moradi (RTM comparisons with GRUAN); Shengli Wu (SNO details with MWRI); Isaac, Fabien, Alan (GMI use in NWP); Thomas Lavergne (Calibration methods/needs for Sea-Ice)

New Actions:

A.GMW.20190507.1: Rachel Kroodsma and Shengli Wu to work out details in order for CMA to apply X-Cal corrections to MWRI.

A.GMW.20190507.2: Ralph Ferraro to poll the group regarding potential participation at the GSICS annual meeting and Microrad, and coordinate with Sante if there is enough interest for Microrad.

A.GMW.20190507.3: Ralph Ferraro to work on transitioning co-chairmanship to Mark Liu; Mark and Qifeng will work to organize the next meeting.


Guest Chair: Ralph Ferraro

CMA: Qifeng Lu (part-time), Shengli Wu

DWD: Karsten Fennig

EUMETSAT: Tim Hewison, Viju John, Timo Hanschmaan,

Hamburg University: Martin Burgdorf

JAXA: Misako Kachi

NASA: Ed Kim

NOAA: Ralph Ferraro, Mark Liu, Tony Reale, Cheng-Zhi Zou

NWI: Thomas Lavergne

University of Maryland: Manik Bali, Isaac Moradi, Rachel Kroodsma, John Yang

UKMO: Fabien Caminati

-- RalphFerraro - 17 Apr 2019

I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
3g_Ferraro_GRWG_MW_Subgroup.pptxpptx 3g_Ferraro_GRWG_MW_Subgroup.pptx manage 3 MB 03 May 2019 - 17:55 RalphFerraro MW Plenary in 2019 Meeting
GRWG_GDWG_2019_Meeting_Minutes.pdfpdf GRWG_GDWG_2019_Meeting_Minutes.pdf manage 1 MB 03 May 2019 - 17:34 RalphFerraro 2019 GSICS Annual Meeting Minutes
MW Actions.pptxpptx MW Actions.pptx manage 185 K 05 May 2019 - 23:35 RalphFerraro MW Actions - Manik
MWSubGSICSMay2019TR.pptxpptx MWSubGSICSMay2019TR.pptx manage 878 K 04 May 2019 - 01:02 RalphFerraro Reale File
mrad2020_1st call_v2.2.pdfpdf mrad2020_1st call_v2.2.pdf manage 312 K 03 May 2019 - 17:41 RalphFerraro MicroRad 2020
Topic revision: r9 - 13 May 2019, RalphFerraro
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