GRWG Web Meeting 2013-05-29
GSICS Web Meeting on DCC Algorithm Application - Part I
- Dave Doelling (NASA) - DCC Application - Outline the agenda and goals for the GEO DCC algorithm application this year (15 minutes)
- Raj Bhatt (NASA): GSICS DCC Verification Data - To discuss the DCC pixel-level radiance files generated for July 2012 using generalized filters, such as angular constraints etc, over each GEO domains. Also to go over proper implementation of the Hu model. (15 minutes)
- Ben Scarino (NASA) - Hyperspectral Instrument Comparisons: Assessing Spectral Band Adjustment Factor Stability
- Aleksandar Jelenak (NOAA): GSICS spectral response data for DCC activities. (5-10 minutes)
GPRC DCC calibration progress reports:
- Bertrand Fougnie (CNES) BRDF of DCCs from PARASOL - In absentia
- Sebastien Wagner (EUMETSAT) - Review of DCC algorithm for implementation on SEVIRI
Guest Chair: Dave Doelling (NASA)
CMA: Chen Lin
EUMETSAT: Tim Hewison, Sebastien Wagner, Bartolomeo Vitichie
JMA: Masaya Takahashi, Keita Hosaka
KMA: Dohyeong Kim, Hoseung Lee, Minjin Choi
NASA: Dave Doelling, Ben Scarino, Raj Bhatt
NOAA: Fangfang Yu, Aleksandar Jelenak, Larry Flynn, Bob Iacovazzi
UAH: Dennis Buechler
Action Items
Fangfang to provide the DCC Hyperion hyper-spectral images over the hurricane
Fangfang to provide the DCC BRDF from BJ Sohn for several spectral bands
Raj Bhatt to provide GEO pixel level verification data for July 2012 and Hu model, should be in GSICS archive by June 14, 2013
Raj Bhatt to convert the CNES DCC BRDF data into a similar format as the Hu model
Encourage individual GPRCs to replicate the verification data for July 2012 before the next DCC web meeting
GPRCs may present their verification results at the summer (August) DCC web meeting
Individual GRPCs are free to contact Raj Bhatt for any guidance