GRWG Web Meeting 2013-08-14

GSICS Web Meeting on DCC - Part 2


  1. Agenda and goals for GEO DCC algorithm implementation, David Doelling (NASA)
  2. DCC BRDF characteristics produced by SBDART model for COMS visible calibration, Min-Jin CHOI (NMSC/KMA)
  3. Implementation of DCC algorithm for MTSAT-2/Imager, Masaya Takahashi (JMA)
  4. On the comparison of NOAA and NASA DCC selections and the implementation of DCC algorithm for GOES, Fangfang Yu (NOAA)
  5. Review of DCC algorithm for implementation on SEVIRI, Sebastien Wagner (EUMETSAT)


Guest Chair: Dave Doelling (NASA)

CMA: More than 20 people!

EUMETSAT: Tim Hewison, Sebastien Wagner, Bartolomeo Viticchie, Rob Roebeling

JMA: Masaya Takahashi

KMA: Dohyeong KIm, Minjin Choi, Eunhee Lee, hoseung Lee, Tae-Myeong Kim

NASA: Dave Doelling, Raj Bhatt

NOAA: Fangfang Yu, Manik Bali, Wenhui Wang

UAH: Denis Beuchler


  • Raj Bhatt to compare DCC BRDF models to locate the most isotropic angular bins and to compare derived temporally stability.
    Currently he has Hu, CERES, CNES PARASOL, All BRDFs to be archived at GSICS.
  • Fangfang to provide Raj the DCC BRDF from BJ Sohn for several spectral bands.
  • KMA to provide Raj their DCC model for COMS and MODIS ch1 and Ch2 for COT=200 and Re 20µm,
    KMA to verify if this is the dominant MODIS COT and Re for the DCC identified pixels.
  • Raj Bhatt to consider monthly MODIS reference radiances within each GEO domain to account for seasonal cycle.
    Obtain monthly climatology over the first 3-years of Aqua-MODIS data over the most stable part of the record.
  • Raj Bhatt and Fangfang to work out differences associated with G15 radiance to temperature conversion,
    scanline time computation which may impact SZA, spatial standard deviation, space count subtraction.
  • Fangfang to find optimal PDF statistic, sampling threshold and histogram bin size.
  • JMA to compare NASA DCC method with JMA RT simulated method.
  • All GPRCs are welcome to propose improvements to the DCC method at the next DCC meeting part 3 this Fall.
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
20130814_KMA_calibration_DCC_BRDF.pptxpptx 20130814_KMA_calibration_DCC_BRDF.pptx manage 6 MB 14 Aug 2013 - 10:56 TimHewison 20130814_KMA_calibration_DCC_BRDF.pptx
GSICS_DCCp2_2013_08.pptxpptx GSICS_DCCp2_2013_08.pptx manage 2 MB 14 Aug 2013 - 06:31 TimHewison GSICS_DCCp2_2013_08.pptx
GSICS_Webmeeting_DCCs_August2013_Wagner.pptppt GSICS_Webmeeting_DCCs_August2013_Wagner.ppt manage 1010 K 14 Aug 2013 - 13:31 TimHewison GSICS_Webmeeting_DCCs_August2013_Wagner.ppt
JMA_Takahashi_GRWG_20130814.pptxpptx JMA_Takahashi_GRWG_20130814.pptx manage 1 MB 14 Aug 2013 - 06:56 TimHewison JMA_Takahashi_GRWG_20130814.pptx
NASA2NOAA_DCCDataTest.pptxpptx NASA2NOAA_DCCDataTest.pptx manage 496 K 14 Aug 2013 - 14:07 FangfangYu  
Topic revision: r10 - 16 Aug 2013, TimHewison
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