GRWG Microwave Sub-Group Web Meeting 2015-05-13

GSICS Web Meeting on MW SubGroup


1. Introduction, review of any old action items - Ralph (10 min) MW-SubGroup-13May2015.pdf 2. Updates from the Annual GRWG/GDWG Meeting – Tim (10 min) 3. Science Report – GMI Calibration – Rachel (15 min)

4. Preparation for GSICS Users Meeting - All (10 min)

5. Next Meeting and Wrap Up (5 min)


Chair: Ralph Ferraro

CMA: Shengli Wu

CSSAR: Xiaolong Dong (CEOS-WGCV Microwave Sub-Group Chair)

EUMETSAT: Tim Hewison, Vinia Mattioli, Karsten Fenning (at DWD), Sabatino Di Michele

JAXA: Keiji Imaoko

KMA: Jun Park, Hyesook Lee

NASA: Rachael Kroodsma

NIST: David Walker,

NOAA: Manik Bali, Wenze Yang,Cheng-Zhi Zou


Old Actions:
  • Ralph reported he was unsuccessful in tracking down retired NASA colleagues who might have access to original L1 SMMR data.
  • Karsten Fennig reported the CMSAF's FCDR for SSM/Is is now published. However, although it would be possible to extract the inter-calibration coefficients, without performing the previous steps, these are not directly applicable to GSICS users - they cannot "plug and play" into other L1 processing algorithms. The question of user requirements for the FCDRs was defered to a discussion on that topic.
  • Tim noted no progress to report on action to Gu/CMA regarding calibration of MWRI with other sensors
General Agenda Items
  • Cheng-Zhi and Xialong reported excellent progress on developing a joint meeting of Microwave Sub-Groups of GSICS and CEOS-WGCV to be hosted in Beijing. Probable duration : 2 days. It was suggested that a date in March 2016 might be attractive to allow for potential synergy with dates of GRWG/GDWG annual meeting, which could take place in Japan around mid March 2016.
  • Manik provided detailed discussion on potential GDWG MW products and standards
  • Manik described his productive visit to CAOS/IISc; they are very interested in MW and learning more about GSICS activities. Encouraged visit by Ralph and also hosting a regional GSICS workshop.
  • Keiji and Xiaolong discussed potential role of GSICS into active MW sensors. It was noted that initially, just collaborative efforts amongst members focusing on cloud and precipitation radars is a good starting point.
  • Tim gave a brief update from the CEOS WGCV Plenary meeting and noted role of GSICS within CGMS and CEOS
  • Tim provided some information regarding EUMETSAT FIDUCEO project - developing FCDR for SSMT/2, AMSU-B, MHS
  • Rachel presented latest results from GMI calibration and future plans by GPM (reprocessing using latest intercalibration in September).
  • Tim presented draft agenda for the GSICS User's Workshop to be held within the EUMETSAT Satellite Conference (Sept. 22 in Toulouse). It would be nice to get some beta-data users enlisted for our products.


New Actions:
  • MWSG and GRWG Chairs to coordinate the dates for meetings in 2016, along with Cheng-Zhi/Xiaolong(CEOS) and Keiji/Masaya (JAXA/JMA)
  • MW subgroup to continue to flesh out GSICS MW products through engagement with users (suggested venues - GSICS Users workshop; scientific venue of opportunity, etc.). Manik/Tim to lead these activities.
  • Ralph to follow up with Manik regarding future visit/interaction with IISc.
  • Rachel/Ralph to engage X-Cal (next meeting June 4-5, Ft. Collins, CO, USA) - Ralph to contact Tom Wilheit about potential remote presentation on GSICS activities.
  • Ralph to organize next telecon for early September 2015.

I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Kroodsma_GSICS_presentation_20150513.pptxpptx Kroodsma_GSICS_presentation_20150513.pptx manage 1 MB 12 May 2015 - 19:03 RalphFerraro Kroodsma Briefing
MW-SubGroup-13May2015.pdfpdf MW-SubGroup-13May2015.pdf manage 56 K 05 May 2015 - 15:12 RalphFerraro Ferraro Material
MWSG_Updates.pptxpptx MWSG_Updates.pptx manage 2 MB 13 May 2015 - 13:15 TimHewison Various Items for Agenda
MW_Subgrup_Report_Zou_051315.pptppt MW_Subgrup_Report_Zou_051315.ppt manage 392 K 12 May 2015 - 11:25 RalphFerraro  
MW_standards_proposal.pptxpptx MW_standards_proposal.pptx manage 475 K 13 May 2015 - 10:47 ManikBali MW Meta Data Standards
iisc_visit.pptxpptx iisc_visit.pptx manage 618 K 11 May 2015 - 14:02 ManikBali Visit to Indian Institute of Science
Topic revision: r14 - 21 May 2015, RalphFerraro
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