GRWG Microwave Sub-Group Web Meeting 2018-10-24
1130-1300 UTC
GSICS Microwave Sub-Group Web Meeting
1. Introductions, old business, action items - Ralph Ferraro (NOAA/NESDIS) - 5 min
2. Updates/plans on specific actions and ongoing activities (40 min)
- A.GMW.2017.6g.1 - RTM comparison - Isaac Moradi (Univ. of Maryland)
- A.GMW.2018.9e.1 - CEOS WGCV and GSICS interactions - Qifeng Lu (CMA), Tim Hewison (EUMETSAT), Cheng-Zhi Zou (NOAA/NESDIS)
- A.GMW.2018.9l.1 - NRT microwave imager inter-calibration products - Qifeng Lu (CMA)
- A.GMW.2018.9k.X - MW best practices/SNO Tiger Team and Outcomes - Manik Bali (Univ. of Maryland)
- CGMS-46 - MW Calibration/WIGOS 2040 - Plans, participants, etc. ? - Ralph Ferraro and Tim Hewison
- IPWG-9/Precipitation Community - Ralph Ferraro
3. Data Assimilation of MW measurements at CMA - Qifeng Lu (CMA) - 20 min
4. Update on ATMS Calibration - Hu "Tiger" Yang (Univ. of Maryland) - 20 min
5. Wrap up - Ralph Ferraro/Qifeng Lu - 5 min
Ralph initiated the meeting and mentioned that the focus today was to discuss several ongoing actions. These are summarized below:
- A.GMW.2017.6g.1 - RTM comparison - Isaac Moradi (Univ. of Maryland) - Isaac presented a summary of initial comparisons he has made with using S-NPP ATMS observations in RTTOVS and CRTM (see his slides). In the future, he will extend to N20 and also use GRUAN colocations (being developed by T. Reale and his team at NESDIS). His preliminary results show that for O2 and H2O channels, there is good agreement between the two models, however, at a window channel at 23 GHz, there appears to be some issues with CRTM surface emissivity. There were also some apparent scan bias issues. There were some questions on cloud clearing and scan angle calculations which are inconsistent to some work Tiger has done, so there is an action on this (below).
- A.GMW.2018.9e.1 - CEOS WGCV and GSICS interactions - Qifeng Lu (CMA), Tim Hewison (EUMETSAT), Cheng-Zhi Zou (NOAA/NESDIS) - Qifeng reported that there is increasing collaboration between the two groups due to his direct engagement with X. Dong (see his slides). Pre launch calibration and data standards are initial focuses. He was encouraged to continue the engagement and also seek assistance within our group when needed.
- A.GMW.2018.9l.1 - NRT microwave imager inter-calibration products - Qifeng Lu (CMA) - Qifieng continues to lead this activity and information is provided in his two sets of slides. Ralph also mentioned that he spoke with Wes Berg (GPM X-Cal lead) and along with Manik, we are trying to develop a GSICS "deliverable" for the X-Cal corrections. Information was provided to Wes to start this process.
- A.GMW.2018.9k.X - MW best practices/SNO Tiger Team and Outcomes - Manik Bali (Univ. of Maryland) -
Manik summarized his findings on SNO criteria based on his "tiger team" which included lead authors of peer review papers on the topic. (see his slides). For the different MW channels bands (e.g., window, oxygen and water vapor), the criteria are different. Tim commented that perhaps more parameters should be considered and that even some sensitivity tests be conducted for different application areas, i.e., what are the tradeoffs between the number of colocations and the accuracy of the results. Ralph suggested that Manik turn his findings into a short document that could be circulated and commented upon (see action below).
- CGMS-46 - MW Calibration/WIGOS 2040 - Plans, participants, etc. ? - Ralph Ferraro and Tim Hewison - There was agreement that a meeting of MW calibration experts to fulfill this action should be part of the March 2019 GRWG+GDWG annual meeting. Ralph and Tim will raise this matter at the 13 November 2018 annual meeting planning call and determine details on the proposed meeting - date, time, participants, logistics.
- IPWG-9/Precipitation Community - Ralph Ferraro - Ralph noted that during the IPWG-9 meeting (Seoul, November 5-10), he will present to the group (as part of a "Grand challenges" session) a set of questions regarding passive MW sensor that will help determine requirements for GSICS. This activity has been encouraged by CGMS.
Qifeng provided a nice summary of data assimilation of MW measurements at CMA (see his slides). He summarized the progress with the FY-3 series of satellites, including the MWTS and MWHS. Sensor calibration improvements were noted from FY-3B to -3C, as well as with the MWRI imager. Further improvements are envisioned for FY-3D.
The last speaker, Tiger Yang, provided an update on the NOAA-20 ATMS sensor (see his slides).
Major improvements for N20 SDR have come about due to the experiences with S-NPP ATMS. There are some additional calibration improvements yet to be performed on N20 which upon finalization, they will also be employed to the S-NPP SDR period of record.
Guest Chair: Ralph Ferraro
CMA: Qifeng Lu
EUMETSAT:Tim Hewison, Vinia Matiolli, Viju John
Hamburg University: Imke Hans, Martin Burgdorf
JAXA:Misako Kachi
JMA: Masaya Takahashi
KMA: Jun Park
NOAA: Ralph Ferraro,Cheng-Zhi Zou
University of Maryland - Manik Bali, Isaac Moradi, Tiger Yang, Rachel Kroodsma
UKMO: Christopher Tsamalis
A.GMW.20181024.1 - Moradi and H. Yang to meet and discuss in detail this activity.
A.GMW.20181024.2 - Hewison and Ferraro to report on the status of the MW Calibration/WIGOS2040 meeting at the next MW telecon
A.GMW.20181024.3 - Ferraro and Bali to report on status of GSICS X-Cal deliverable at the next meeting.
A.GMW.20181024.4 - Bali to develop a short draft paper describing the SNO best practice and circulate for commenting. Deadline Nov. 30.
A.GMW.20181024.5 - Ferraro to present outcome of the IPWG9 engagement at the next subgroup meeting
The next meeting will take place in January 2019.
RalphFerraro - 31 Oct 2018