GRWG/GDWG Web Meeting 2018-11-13
GSICS Web Meeting on Planning 2019 Annual Meeting
- Masaya Takahashi (JMA), GCC and GRWG Chairs – Planning Annual Meeting Agenda
- Philippe Goryl (ESA) – Logistics information from Local Host
- Masaya Takahashi (JMA) – Annual GSICS Calibration Report for {Agency} => canceled and to be discussed thorough gsics-dev
Chair: Masaya Takahashi (JMA)
CMA: Xiuqing "Scott" Hu, Na Xu, Zhe "Thomas" Xu, Lin Chen
ESA: Phillipe Goryl, Rosalia Fonseca, Jerome Bouffard
EUMETSAT: Tim Hewison, Sebastien Wagner, Peter Miu
JMA: Masaya Takahashi, Yusuke Yogo, Kazuki Kodera
KMA: Dohyeong Kim, Minju Gu, Hyeji Yang, Eunkyu Kim
NASA: Dave Doelling
NOAA: Fangfang Yu, Ralph Ferraro, Larry Flynn, Manik Bali, Fred Wu, Likun Wang
USGS: Tom Stone
WMO: Toshi Kurino
Masaya gave an overview of the proposed structure of the annual meeting. Working Group Chairs, GCC, ESA and session chairs also provided their thoughts for each breakout session, and the participants discussed the agenda in detail. Then, Philippe kindly provided logistics information.
Agenda Item#3 (template for Annual GSICS Report) was canceled due to time constraints, and it will be discussed through gsics-dev mailing list.
The discussion results are reflected in
Agenda Item#1, and the following are the highlights. The group agreed that we do not need the second preparatory web meeting, so further discussions on drafting agenda would be done through gsics-dev mailing list.
Mini Conference (Day-1 am, 08:30-13:00)
- Chair: Philippe Goryl
- ESA EO programme, mission status (e.g. Sentinel-3A/-B tandem mode), activities liked to GSICS, CEOS/WGCV, and FCDR (e.g. Lunar irradiance model using aerosol photometer data, Quality Assurance for EO by Nigel Fox)
- Topics from agencies outside ESA would also be appreciated.
Plenary (Day-1 pm to Day-2)
- Day-1 pm to Day-2 am: GRWG/GDWG/GCC + Agency Report
- Chair: Xiuqing "Scott" Hu and Fangfang Yu
- 20 minutes for each incl. discussion
- GEO operating agencies would be asked to prepare Annual GSICS Report, the template of which will be discussed through gsics-dev.
- Day-2 pm: Cross-cutting topics
- Special session on re-calibration/re-processing incl. data dissemination
- Special session on UV/VIS Sub-Groups to outline the issue of hyperspectral SWIR inter-calibration
- Introduction on Day-2 as part of discussion on scope of sub-groups. Session will take place on Day-4 during session labelled as UV Sub-Group.
- Inter-calibration for polarimeters in preparation to support operational missions such as EPS-SG/3MI => could be held on VIS/NIR breakout session
- GSICS common tools/protocols to extract PICS and SNO subsets: could be discussed in Plenary and GDWG sessions.
- Interaction with Space Weather community => Masaya to contact Co-chair of CGMS Coordination Group for Space Weather (T. Nagatsuma of NICT)
- Updates on SCOPE-CM/IOGEO and FIDUCEO => Tim to check the status with Rob Roebeling
- CLARREO Pathfinder => Dave Doelling to contact Bruce Whielicki
- Inter-calibration for climate monitoring system: collaboration with
- ISCCP => GCC to contact
- CGMS ISWGs => ask Co-Chairs/Rapporteurs of CGMS WG II on Satellite data and Products
- Other topics: New GSICS Products, Products Catalog, Action Tracking, ...
GRWG VIS/NIR Sub-Group (Day-3)
- Lunar Calibration
- Chair: Tom Stone
- Update on GIRO validation against ROLO (Tom)
- Lunar MTF => Fred to provide potential topics
- Inter-band calibration and straylight characterization could be the topics
- Other VIS/NIR Calibration
- Chair: Dave Doelling
- S-NPP/VIIRS NOAA v2 processing => could be discussed in Plenary
- Rayleigh scattering => Dave to contact Bertrand Fougnie
- DCC intercalibration incl. paper submission
GRWG MW Sub-Group (Day-3)
- Chair: Ralph Ferraro and Qifeng Lu
- Full Day session w/ ~15 people in person
- CGMS action to organise an expert meeting on the intercalibration of operational PMW sensors would be discussed
- Host agency could have 2-3 topics => ESA (Philippe) to check potential topics
GRWG IR Sub-Group (Day-4)
- Chair: Likun Wang and Tim Hewison
- Cal/Val status/results: focusing on the latest or future instruments (hyperspectral, narrow/broad band)
- Inter-calibration for hyperspectral IR instruments
- Inter-calibration for LEO and GEO broad- and narrow-band IR bands
- Issues, products, new findings, and the way forward of LEO-GEO and GEO-GEO comparison
- Updates on research topics
- Collocation, Gap filling, SRF retrievals, and Budget and uncertainty analysis
GRWG UV Sub-Group (Day-4)
- Chair: Rosemary Munro and Larry Flynn
- UV project in GEO and L1 Orbits
- Reference Solar Spectra => could be a joint session w/ VIS/NIR
GDWG (Day-3 and -4)
- Chair: Masaya Takahashi
- GSICS Collaboration Servers
- Mirroring and collaboration with ISRO
- PICS/SNO data extraction function/Data Dissemination would also be discussed. GRWG members' participation is very welcome.
- How EUMETSAT’s pathfinder activities would benefit GSICS (EUMETSAT)
- Introduction to ESA’s activities such as data center, website and metadata conventions for products at ESA => ESA (Philippe) to check the possibility
Plenary (Day-5)
- Cross-cutting issues
- Chair: GCC (Larry Flynn/Manik Bali)
- Reporting Outcomes & Planning Future Meetings
- Chair: GRWG Chair/Vice-Chair (Xiuqing "Scott" Hu/Fangfang Yu)
- Planning GSCIS Users Workshop at Joint EUMETSAT/AMS/NOAA Conference 2019 (28 Sept - 04 Oct 2019, Boston)
- ESA website for GRWG/GDWG Annual Meeting 2019:
- For logistics information (e.g. VISA application and issuing invitation letter), please contact ESA Conference Bureau (email account is on slide#8)
- 3 rooms available for Day-3 and -4
- Remote access available on Webex or Skype: ESA to check accessibility of the web meeting tool from China
- Lunch: cash only
- Ice breaker on Day-1 at ESRIN
- Working Groups' Dinner on Day-2 (~3 km from Frascati)
- Technical visit to PHI-Experience (EO promotion/images tour) on Day-3 lunch time (~30 min)
- Bus transfer will be organized: time to leave ESRIN is flexible
The following actions are expected to be closed by 2019-01-31.
- A.GWG.20181113.1: Masaya Takahashi (JMA) to contact Co-Chair of CGMS Coordination Group for Space Weather (T. Nagatsuma of NICT) to ask the community's interests on 2019 GSICS Annual Meeting.
- A.GWG.20181113.2: Tim Hewison (EUMETSAT) to check the status of SCOPE-CM/IOGEO and FIDUCEO with Rob Roebeling.
- A.GWG.20181113.3: Dave Doelling (NASA) to contact Bruce Whielicki to ask the updates of CLARREO Pathfinder.
- A.GWG.20181113.4: Manik Bali (NOAA) to contact Ken Knapp to coordinate future collaboration with ISCCP on inter-calibration for climate monitoring system.
- A.GWG.20181113.5: Dohyeng Kim (KMA) to interact with CGMS WG II Rapporteurs (Mitch Goldberg and Ken Holmlund) and provide their thoughts on inter-calibration for climate monitoring system such as potential collaborations with CGMS International Science Working Groups.
- A.GWG.20181113.6: Fred Wu to provide potential topics on lunar MTF.
- A.GWG.20181113.7: Dave Doelling (NASA) to contact Bertrand Fougnie to ask topics on Rayleigh scattering.
- A.GWG.20181113.8: Philippe Goryl (ESA) to check potential topics on MW Sub-Group and GDWG sessions.
- A.GWG.20181113.9: Philippe Goryl (ESA) to check accessibility of their preferred web meeting tool from China.