A.GEP.20250117.2:Manik to provide agency report Template to Bojan Heikki Mounir. ( please see agency report here )
A.GEP.20250117.3: Bojan / Heikki / Mounir to provide notice to agencies that Agency Annual Reports should follow the template and stress new programs and significant accomplishments. Reports will be 10-minutes long in 12 minute slots (1 minute for a question, and 1 minute for transition) on Thursday afternoon. [ Example recording here ]
A.GEP.20250117.4: Mounir to connect with Research Working Group Chairs to identify potential topics for subgroup presentations
A.GEP.20250117.5: Heikki to invite CEOS GSICS representative to GSICS EP
A.GEP.20250117.6: Mounir to inform Subgroup Chairs that Friday AM readout reports should include information on Recommendations and Actions (Why, How, What it brings to GSICS?).
A.GEP.20250117.7: Larry to arrange SITSat, Pre-launch, CalCon, GRUAN talks in Cross-cutting Session Friday AM
A .GEP.20250117.8: Manik to invite Space Weather and Lunar Subgroups to provide an update on their progress and appraize the EP of resources they need
A.GEP.20250117.9: Manik to provide to Bojan the last State of Observing System Report presented to CGMS and mention the pros and cons of presenting it.
A.GEP.20250117.10: Manik/Larry to provide to Bojan document on appreciation awards to GSICS members by the EP.
A.GEP.20250117.11:Tom Stone and Dave Doelling to brief EP on the interaction with CALCON and suggest a path forward.
A.GEP.20250117.12: Mounir to distribute draft agenda session planning options requesting feedback on session number, timing, etc. The meeting will start at 8:00 local time and end at 18:00 with lunch from 12:00 to 13:30. Up to three concurrent sessions are possible. (Need to check with local hosts on site visit timing.)
*Executive Panel Actions from 2024*
A.GEP. 20240315.1 Mounir to discuss the formation of a polarimetry subgroup with Dave Doelling. Mounir Open
A.GEP. 20240315.2 GSICS Annual Meeting 2025 to have users of GSICS Products and Deliverables present at the meeting. Open
A.GEP.20240315.1 GDWG to issue a GSICS standard operating procedure for the generation and the application of GSICS correction for the Level-1 data. Open
A.GEP.20240315.4 Manik to send forms for GSICS deliverable document to formally accept the LSICS as a GSICS deliverable. Manik Open
A.GEP.20240315.5 EUMETSAT to provide additional resources to Manik for review of GSICS website Bojan Open