GRWG/GDWG Web Meeting 2014-06-24
GSICS Web Meeting on Planning details for the Lunar Calibration Workshop
- Sebastien Wagner (EUMETSAT) + Tom Stone (USGS) Scope of the workshop and practicalities
- Bertrand Fougnie (CNES) Expectations from organizers / participants
- Sebastien Wagner (EUMETSAT) Timeline
- All (Discussion) - Round table on expectations & motivations
- Bartolomeo Viticchie (EUMETSAT) - Description of the calibration system
- Masaya Takahashi (JMA) Description of the input/output (file format)
- All (Discussion) - Interaction with potential participants
GIRO first release
Spectral Response Function (SRF) netCDF
- Link
- Notes
- PLEASE NOTE: due to the GSICS Wiki configuration, plus ( + ) and commas ( , ) are automatically removed from the name of the files you will download! Once you will have downloaded the file please rename it using the name available in the link (sorry for the inconvenience).
- SRF netCDFs available on the NOAA THREDDS server are NOT applicable to GIRO executable.
Background on Lunar Calibration Workshop
During the last GSICS Research and Data Working Group annual meeting in Darmstadt (24-28 March 2014), the GSICS community, together with the CEOS-IVOS chairman (Nigel Fox, from NPL) recommended to harmonize the version of the ROLO model that is used for lunar calibration of VIS/NIR satellite instruments by more and more operators. Indeed, in the context of instrument inter-calibration, we should ensure the use of the same transfer reference.
EUMETSAT offered to host a lunar calibration workshop to initiate an activity to share knowledge on lunar calibration and to promote the use of a common reference across participating groups. This workshop is organized by EUMETSAT, USGS, CNES and NASA. EUMETSAT proposed to use its current implementation of the ROLO model as a baseline for an official GSICS implementation of the USGS ROLO model. EUMETSAT's implementation has been verified, with good agreement, against the USGS implementation. This has been achieved by close interactions with Tom Stone from USGS.
USGS will keep the leadership on the improvement of the ROLO model. EUMETSAT would then implement these enhancements once they are made publically available via peer reviewed papers. CNES is collaborating with USGS to help improving the reference lunar model by using data derived from the Pleiades observations. And NASA will provide data for the current GSICS agreed reference instrument (Aqua MODIS) in order to transfer the MODIS calibration to the target instruments.
The objectives of the workshop are:
- To work across agencies / operators with a common and validated implementation of the USGS ROLO model
- To share knowledge and expertise on lunar calibration
- First step to provide the international community with validated and traceable implementation of the USGS ROLO model
- Generate for the first time a reference dataset that could be used for validation / comparisons later on
The workshop will be organised in Darmstadt (Germany) at EUMETSATs Headquarters. It is expected to take place in December 2014 or at the latest in January 2015, to leave enough time to participants for further iterations before the next GSICS annual meeting in March 2015.
Aim of Web Meeting
The purpose of this web meeting is present more in details the scope of the workshop, the main milestones for both the organizers and the participants, the preparation of the data and workshop, and to discuss the draft agenda with the potential participants.
Guest Chair: Sebastien Wagner (EUMETSAT)
CAS: Lingling Ma
CMA: Scott Hu, Ronghua Wu
CNES: Bertrand Fougnie, Sophie Lachérade
EUMETSAT: Sebastien Wagner, Bartolomeo Viticchie, Tim Hewison, Ewa Kwiatkowska
JAXA: Hiroshi Murakami
JMA: Keita Hosaka, Ryoko Yoshino, Arata Okuyama, Masaya Takahashi
KMA: Minjin Choi, Dohyeong Kim
Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology: Seongick Cho
NASA: Jack Xiong, Jon Fulbright, Hongda Chen, Xu Geng, Ben Wang, Amit Angal, Gene Eplee, Frederick Patt, Lawrence Ong
NOAA: Fangfang Yu, Jason "Taeyong" Choi, Frank Pandula, Manik Bali, Xi Shao, Larry Flynn, Raji Dalta
VITO: Stefan Adriasensen
The aims, scope and practicalities of the Lunar Calibration Workshop were explained by some of the organisers in the above presentations.
The record attendance for a GSICS Web Meeting (35 participants) showed the high level of intrest in participating in the workshop.
The question was raised of whether people could participate in the workshop without providing their own data.
In response, Sebastien explained that while we will be happy to share the GSICS Implementation of ROLO ("GIRO") to them, it may be necessary to restrict the number of participants in the workshop for practical reasons and to allow it to focus on finalising the development of the GIRO and developing a dataset for satellite inter-calibration and to further improve ROLO.
- 5 Aug 2014:
- Uploads of netCDF SRFs (Meteosat-7/MVIRI, GOES-11,-12,-13,-15/Imager, and COMS/MI)
- 28 Jul 2014:
- Release of GIRO_firstrelease.tar.gz
- Uploads of SRF netCDFs (MSG-1,-2,-3/SEVIRI and MTSAT-2/Imager)
- Updates of GSICS_ROLO_HighLevDescript_IODefinition_wiki.pdf, Lunar observation sample netCDF and 20140624_Takahashi_LunarCal_DataFormt.pptx
- 4 Jul 2014: Release of "High Level Description of the GIRO Application and Definition of the Input/Output Formats"