GCC Web Meeting: Planning 2015 GSICS Users Workshop


  1. Tim Hewison (EUMETSAT) - Logistics
  2. Manik Bali (NOAA) – Review of previous Users Workshops - Lessons learned - Aims for 2015
  3. Group discussion - How can we make the Users Workshop better?
  4. Tim Hewison (EUMETSAT) - Planning Agenda

Guest Chair: Manik Bali

EUMETSAT: Tim Hewison

JMA: Masaya Takahashi, Arata Okuyama, Hidehiko Murata

KMA: Dohyeong Kim

NASA: Dave Doelling, Amit Angal

NOAA: Manik Bali, Lawrence E. Flynn


We agreed to the following format for the agenda for the UsersWorkshop2015:
13:00-14:00 Introducing GSICS –and Current Products –Announcements - ~4 GSICS Developers
14:00-14:30 Question and Answers on GSICS
14:30-14:45 Scheduled Break
14:45-15:45 A. Feedback from beta testers/Users - <=6 presentations on external users' experience
15:45-17:30 B. Discussions on 7 User Feedback Questions

A. Feedback from Users/Beta Testers

In the outline agenda for the workshop, we scheduled a 1 hour slot for users (or potential users) to give short (5-10min) presentations on specific questions.
  1. Tim to ask Roger Saunders (UKMO) on Spectral Corrections - Confirmed
  2. Tim to ask FIDUCEO project on FCDR requirements and AATSR 12 micron calibration - Not represented at Conference
  3. Manik to ask Korean group on COMS correction, SST application and diurnal requirements - Kyung-Soo HAN (PKNU)
  4. Manik to ask ISRO users on Meteosat correction (remote presentation) - fallback internal user from EUMETSAT
  5. Ralph to identify a microwave user and specific topic - To ask Sante Laviola (ISAC-CNR) - TBC
  6. Jack to identify an expert on NIR and specific topic
The invited speakers should ideally be drawn from the expected audience at the EUMETSAT or SPIE conference, and ideally be familiar with current or planned GSICS products, but not directly involved in their development.

B. Discussion on specific Users Feedback Questions

We also decided to formulate specific questions to ask users for feedback on. We aim to send this out with details of the workshop 2 months before the meeting (i.e. by 22 July). Users will be able to respond online (Survey Monkey or email) – or in person at the workshop.

For each question we identified a GSICS lead, who will be responsible for wording the question, analysing any inputs received before the workshop, chairing the discussion on that question at the workshop (15min each), and summarising it afterwards.

So far we identified the following questions – and leads:
  1. Manik - User Product Guidance - including whether inter-calibration algorithms should be GSICS Deliverables
  2. Larry - Spectral Corrections - what are your requirements?
  3. Dave - Inter-calibration standards and tools - e.g. baseline algorithm, reference instruments, SBAF, Solar Irradiance Spectra - should these be endorsed by GSICS?
  4. Dohyeong - Diurnal calibration variation - What are the requirements inter-calibration products for GEO instruments?
  5. ? (Masaya?) - User access to intermediate data - What are the requirements?
  6. Masaya - GEO-GEO inter-comparisons and applications - what are the requirements?
  7. Tim - Open question - any other suggestions for future GSICS deliverables?
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
GUW.pptxpptx GUW.pptx manage 832 K 22 Jun 2015 - 19:52 ManikBali GUW
GUW2105_PlanningAgenda.pptxpptx GUW2105_PlanningAgenda.pptx manage 208 K 23 Jun 2015 - 13:40 TimHewison Planning Agenda
GUW2105_logistics.pptxpptx GUW2105_logistics.pptx manage 369 K 22 Jun 2015 - 13:29 TimHewison Logistics
Topic revision: r12 - 28 Jul 2015, TimHewison
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