GSICS Users Workshop 2015

Hosted at EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference

Room 2, MeteoFrance Conference Centre, Toulouse, France, 22 September 2015, 13:00-17:30.

13:00-14:00 A. Introducing GSICS \x96and Current Products + Announcements
  1. Jerome Lafeuille \x96 Introducing GSICS + terminology
  2. Tim Hewison \x96 IR Product announcements + Update policy
  3. Dave Doelling \x96 VIS/NIR Product announcements \x96 seeking beta testers
  4. Manik Bali \x96 Servers, Catalogs, and Tools \x96 how to access GSICS data
14:00-14:30 B. Questions and Answers on GSICS

Interactive questions from audience

14:30-14:45 Scheduled Break
14:45-15:45 C. Feedback from beta testers/Users - presentations on external users' experience
  1. Roger Saunders (UKMO) - Spectral Corrections
  2. Lei Yang (CMA) \x96 Benefits from GSICS algorithms for FY-3 calibration
  3. Chang-Suk Lee (PKNU) - Current status and preliminary results on GSICS-based FCDR of COMS
  4. Regis Borde (EUMETSAT) \x96 Feedback on GSICS Correction for Meteosat-7
    Randhir Singh (ISRO) - Impact of GSICS Corrections for Meteosat-7 - not presented
  5. Karsten Fennig (DWD) - FCDR Requirements
  6. Sante Laviola (ISAC-CNR) \x96 Requirements for microwave inter-calibration
15:45-17:30 D. Discussions on 7 User Feedback Questions
  1. Masaya Takahashi (JMA) - GSICS Intermediate data and GEO Ring requirements
  2. Dohyeong Kim (KMA) - GSICS IR Products \x96 Diurnal cycle
  3. Dave Doelling (NASA) \x96 VIS Products
  4. Ralph Ferraro (NOAA) \x96 Microwave Products - Remotely
  5. Rose Munro (EUMETSAT) \x96 UV Sub-Group
  6. Manik Bali (NOAA) \x96 Expectations from a Reference Instrument
  7. Tim Hewison (EUMETSAT) \x96 Other Products

The workshop agenda was agreed at the Planning web meeting of 2015-06-23.


  1. Tim Hewison (EUMETSAT)
  2. Jerome Lafeuille (WMO)
  3. Masaya Takahashi (JMA)
  4. Ken Carey (ERT)
  5. Rosemary Munro (EUMETSAT)
  6. Chang Suk Lee (PKNU)
  7. Noh-Hun Seong (PKNU)
  8. Hu Yang (UMD/ESSIC)
  9. Yong Zhang (NSMC/CMA)
  10. Lei Yang (NSMC/CMA)
  11. Yuan Li (NSMC/CMA)
  12. Likun Wang (NOAA/STAR)
  13. Paul Griffith (Harris)
  14. Ruediger Lang (Eumetsat)
  15. David Kunkee (The Aerospace Corp.)
  16. Chistopher Hanson (EUMETSAT)
  17. Sebastian Wagner (EUMETSAT)
  18. David Doelling (NASA)
  19. Bertrand Fougnie (CNES)
  20. Regis Borde (EUMETSAT)
  21. Eric Pequignot (CNES)
  22. Fangfang Yu (NOAA)
  23. Myoung-Hwan Ahn (Ewha University)
  24. Manik Bali (NOAA)
  25. Misako Kachi (JAXA)
  26. Wenjian Zhang (WMO)
  27. Andrew Heidinger (NOAA)
  28. Lawrence Flynn (NOAA)
  29. Xiaoxiong Xiong (NASA )
  30. Ralph Ferraro (NOAA) - (Remotely)

Defining User Requirements for GSICS Products

GCC to solicit input from beta testers of
  • Near-real-time applications
  • Climate applications


New GSICS Demonstration Products

Seeking beta-testers for new GSICS demo products:
  • Prime GSICS Corrections of SEVIRI-IASIA/B

Product Update Philosophy

Decision (TBC): GSICS should aim to provide users with the most recent available calibration data, at the highest available update frequency, and allow users to decide how to apply it for their particular application. For example, users interested in trends may not want artificial jumps in the calibration time series, which could be avoided by applying frequent calibration updates - whereas near-time applications may want to minimise additional calibration noise by using the most accurate, stable calibration. 

Action: Tim to propose this approach (issuing frequent GSICS corrections) to the Exec Panel and Users Workshop.

netCDF Convention Changes

Depracation of offset, slope. Introduction of coef, covar and functional form of GSICS Correction, and alternative calibration coefficients


Decision (TBC): Agreed on terminology:
  • GSICS Deliverables include GSICS Products, Tools, Reference datasets, Algorithms
    and Documents:
  • GSICS Tools for use by inter-calibration developers, (GIRO, SBAF, \x85)
  • GSICS Products for users of satellite data, including calibration corrections/coefficients
  • GSICS Algorithms, which describe inter-calibration processes, (described by ATBD)
  • GSICS Documents, including Guidelines, Reports, \x85
  • GSICS Recommended Standards, including Solar spectrum, \x85
Action: J\xE9r\xF4me to draft proposal on terminology for GSICS deliverables based on this discussion and circulate for review before Exec Panel, then the User Workshop.


Review new User Product Guidance from GCC

To discuss the proposal: GSICS to provide inter-calibration algorithms to support reprocessing activities and the generation of FCDRs, rather than to provide the datasets themselves.

GSICS Spectral Corrections

Decision(?): Retrieved SRFs could be considered as a GSICS Product, if they are derived on an ongoing basis, as a result of inter-calibration. However, it was recognised that adjustments can be made during commissioning as a result of GSICS algorithms and it would be difficult to review these through the GPPA on a useful timescale.

It was discussed whether Inter-calibration algorithms themselves could be considered as potential GSICS products. This would require them being reviewed through the GPPA, which would require the algorithms to be applied to test datasets to check their quality. Larry clarified that this is limited to operational flows.

Recommendation: GSICS sub-groups should consider promoting approved transfer standards and tools to the community, endorsed as being suitable for inter-calibration.


The sumarry report by Larry Flynn GCC Director, has been uploaded here .

Detailed notes prepared by Tim Hewison are here


The GUW resulted in three Action Items. These are


Offline discussions have highlighted the point that there are additional nightmares at the other end of the GSICS product supply chain too eg. producing the GSICS products getting them onto the GPPA.While the correction coefficients are really needed by agencies and often generated but saving them in a file and distributing them is a nightmare. So...

  • Action 1: GCC is to develop and propose a model to help reduce the complexity involved in creating, distributing and using GSICS products. Provide users with a beta version of the GSICS data distribution model designed to help users navigate through the GSICS products and download the required variables more easily.(GCC could begin by taking feedback members on their requirements). \x95
Discussion 2.

How to compile User Requirements?This is related to the detailed contents of a GSICS best practice (actually a complement to the existing NIST Technical Note).
  • Action 2: GCC is to draft a straw man User Requirements\x92 document and send it out for review. \x95 GSICS users are requested to develop lists of the type of information that they think should be acquired during pre-launch characterization and made available to the users to support user preparation, and communicate this information to the GCC
Discussion 3(by Jerome)

GSICS users were asked to express requirements for pre-launch instrument characterization.

ITSC-20 conference in Lake Geneva the IIFS working group called for a similar "best practice" for microwave instruments. The action reads as follows:

" Rec IIFS.8: Develop best practices in pre-flight characterisation of MW sensors (Action Mitch Goldberg and Peng Zhang to present to GSICS)

  • Action 3: GSICS users are requested to develop lists of the type of information that they think should be acquired during pre-launch characterization and made available to the users to support user preparation, and communicate this information to the GCC.
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
A1_Lafeuille_GSICS_Intro-2.pptxpptx A1_Lafeuille_GSICS_Intro-2.pptx manage 2 MB 21 Sep 2015 - 08:55 TimHewison A1_Lafeuille_GSICS_Intro-2.pptx
A2_Hewison_IR_Announcements.pptxpptx A2_Hewison_IR_Announcements.pptx manage 9 MB 30 Sep 2015 - 11:47 TimHewison A2_Hewison_IR_Announcements.pptx
A3_Doelling_VISNIR_Announce_2015_09.pptxpptx A3_Doelling_VISNIR_Announce_2015_09.pptx manage 211 K 21 Sep 2015 - 08:48 TimHewison A3_Doelling_VISNIR_Announce_2015_09.pptx
A4_Bali_GDWG.pptxpptx A4_Bali_GDWG.pptx manage 936 K 30 Sep 2015 - 11:48 TimHewison A4_Bali_GDWG.pptx
Agenda.docxdocx Agenda.docx manage 66 K 21 Sep 2015 - 09:58 TimHewison Agenda handout
C1_Saunders_Spectral.pptppt C1_Saunders_Spectral.ppt manage 5 MB 30 Sep 2015 - 11:50 TimHewison C1_Saunders_Spectral.ppt
C2_CMA.pptppt C2_CMA.ppt manage 11 MB 30 Sep 2015 - 11:50 TimHewison C2_CMA.ppt
C3_COMS_LEECS.pptxpptx C3_COMS_LEECS.pptx manage 5 MB 30 Sep 2015 - 11:51 TimHewison C3_COMS_LEECS.pptx
C4_Borde_GSICSpres_4_EUM_Conference_2015.pptxpptx C4_Borde_GSICSpres_4_EUM_Conference_2015.pptx manage 2 MB 21 Sep 2015 - 13:48 TimHewison C4_Borde_GSICSpres_4_EUM_Conference_2015.pptx
C4a_Meteosat-7-Impact-Randhir-Singh.pptppt C4a_Meteosat-7-Impact-Randhir-Singh.ppt manage 1 MB 30 Sep 2015 - 11:53 TimHewison C4a_Meteosat-7-Impact-Randhir-Singh.ppt
C5_Fennig_FCDR_requirements.pdfpdf C5_Fennig_FCDR_requirements.pdf manage 128 K 21 Sep 2015 - 15:29 TimHewison C5_Fennig_FCDR_requirements.pdf
C6_Laviola_GSICS_Meeting-2015.pptxpptx C6_Laviola_GSICS_Meeting-2015.pptx manage 2 MB 30 Sep 2015 - 11:54 TimHewison C6_Laviola_GSICS_Meeting-2015.pptx
D4_Ferraro_Microwave_Questions.pptxpptx D4_Ferraro_Microwave_Questions.pptx manage 861 K 21 Sep 2015 - 09:03 TimHewison D4_Ferraro_Microwave_Questions.pptx
Detailed_minutes_of_the_GUW.docxdocx Detailed_minutes_of_the_GUW.docx manage 20 K 04 Jan 2016 - 03:50 ManikBali  
GSICS_Users_workshop_France.pptxpptx GSICS_Users_workshop_France.pptx manage 936 K 21 Sep 2015 - 08:31 ManikBali  
GSICS_Users_workshop_France_v1.pptxpptx GSICS_Users_workshop_France_v1.pptx manage 937 K 22 Sep 2015 - 08:53 ManikBali A4_Catalog_tools_2015_09.pptx
GSICS_Users_workshop_France_v2.pptxpptx GSICS_Users_workshop_France_v2.pptx manage 1 MB 29 Sep 2015 - 17:38 ManikBali How to Access GSICS data Products
GUW1015_Summary_F.docxdocx GUW1015_Summary_F.docx manage 34 K 04 Jan 2016 - 03:59 ManikBali GSICS User Workshop 2015 Sumarry By Larry Flynn
User_Feedback_Questions.pptxpptx User_Feedback_Questions.pptx manage 1 MB 29 Sep 2015 - 16:53 ManikBali User Survey
Topic revision: r41 - 04 Jan 2016, ManikBali
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