GRWG/GDWG Web Meeting 2018-01-30
GSICS Web Meeting on Planning 2018 Annual Meeting (2nd meeting)
- The first planning 2018 annual meeting can be found at
- Scott Hu (CMA) – Logistic Information
- The detailed agenda with time
- Dohyeong Kim (KMA) - Overall coordination and GRWG plenary
- Masaya Takahashi (JMA)/Pete Miu (EUM) - GDWG session
- Larry Flynn (NOAA) - GCC contributions
- Tim Hewison (EUMETSAT) - IR Sub-Group session
- Dave Doelling (NASA) - VIS/NIR Sub-Group session - with input from Sebastien Wagner on Lunar Calibration Workshop
- Ralph Feraro (NOAA) - Microwave Sub-Group session
- Rose Munro (EUMETSAT) - UV Sub-Group session
- All - Coordinating detailed agenda development - Zoho docs
- Dohy Kim (KMA) – Status of Actions from 2017 annual meeting and EP-18
Chair: Dohyeong Kim (KMA)
CMA:Scott Hu
EUMETSAT: Tim Hewison, Sebastien Wagner, Pete Miu, Bertrand Fougnie
IMD: Ashim Mitra
JMA: Masaya Takahashi, Yasuke Yogo
KMA: Dohyeong Kim (Chair), Minju Gu
NASA: Dave Doelling
NOAA: Larry Flynn, Manik Bali, Ralph Ferraro, Fangfang Yu, Likun Wang
USGS: Tom Stone
Scott reviewed CMA's preparations for the annual meeting, including logistic information and proposed presentations from CMA, SITP and the Chinese National Space Science Center. These were greatly appreciated.
Visa support letters can still be requested from CMA, but applicants are strongly recommended to do so before Friday 2 Feb.
Action: Dohyeong Kim (KMA) will update the draft agenda to attempt to accommodate these presentations.
He also reviewed outstanding actions on CMA. This raised the question of how to manage updates to outstanding actions. Manik circulated a link to the
Google spreadsheet where these are managed, but noted that this is not accessible from China.
Decision: It was agreed that the sub-group chairs will continue to update the status of exisiting actions using this tool before the meeting.
Action: Masaya Takahashi (JMA) to check what would be needed to migrate the GSICS Action Tracking tool to Zoho by March 2018.
He suggested the working group reception on Monday. And a tour of SITP was proposed, starting at 16:00, which would last 2-2.5hr. It was suggested that this may be best for Tuesday afternoon, but noting that several plenary discussions will then need to be moved to Friday morning - and possibly moving the GDWG and GRWG summaries until after lunch on Friday.
The UV Sub-Group session comprises of 8 presentations (including 3 from CMA and 1 from Ewha Womans Univ.). It was agreed that Larry Flynn should chair this session, due to Rose Munro's unavailability. If Larry is able to attend in person, this session would be placed in the afternoon - otherwise, in the early morning to facilitate remote attendance of key participants - see
meeting planning tool.
The GDWG will include one session to be chaired by Ashim Mitra (IMD), who has offered to take over as incoming vice-chair, with another session chaired by Peter Miu, as outgoing vice-chair. It will include discussion on ICVS, which will be followed-up in the Friday plenary session, to discuss aims to develop best practice recommendations for instrument monitoring.
The IR Sub-Group will be divided into discussion on the current GSICS products for GEO IR imagers, extension to IR sounders, and reference migration - to be chaired by Tim Hewison, followed by discussion on the definition of best practices for hyperspectral sounder processing, pre-launch instrument characterisation and plans for other future IR sub-group activities, guided by Likun Wang, who has offered to take over as chair of this sub-group.
The first session of the VIS/NIR Sub-Group will again be chaired by Dave Doelling, who suggested 4-5hr would be required to accommodate the planned discussions, including 6 interesting presentations proposed by CMA. This will be followed by a shorter session on lunar calibration, chaired by Tom Stone (due to Sebastien Wagner's unavailability), following up on the successful recent workshop.
Action: Sebastien Wagner to send latest version of the GIRO source code to Tom Stone to assist in his traceability assessment.
The Microwave Sub-Group session will follow the VIS/NIR session, provisionally starting at 16:00 and extending into the evening to facilitate remote attendance. It includes strong contributions from China.
Action: Ralph Ferraro to check the MW session will be parallel or sequential with VIS/NIR right after Lunar calibration session on Thursday and share the decision to the members.
The plenary session on Friday morning will include additional discussions on:
- GRUAN (following on from a discussion in the Microwave Sub-Group)
- GSICS Plotting Tool requirements (following feedback requested by Sebastien Wagner)
- Future GSICS Users Workshops (the next one planned is to take place at ITSC in 2019)
- GRWG and Sub-Grous Chairing
- GSICS Service Specification Document
- Performance Monitoring recommendations
- Exec Panel inputs - including the above and the benefits of GEO-GEO comparisons (outstanding action on Tim Hewison)