Event Website: https://www.eventsforce.net/eumetsat/frontend/reg/thome.csp?pageID=19008&ef_sel_menu=303&eventID=47

This fourth iteration of the Joint GSICS / IVOS Lunar Calibration Workshop will focus on:
  • Measurements and Moon observations, with the goal of achieving SI traceability
  • Lunar calibration systems and model development
  • Instrument monitoring using lunar calibration, including discussions on best practices for estimating the lunar irradiance from the measurements
  • Thermal Infrared and microwave remote sensing and lunar observation
  • Alternative applications of lunar observation, including geometric and MTF post-launch characterization

One of the goals is to provide an updated assessment of the current lunar observation dataset that can either support refining the accuracy of the current version of the ROLO/GIRO (but also of other models) or be part of the GSICS Lunar Observation Dataset (GLOD). It will also provide a first assessment of various lunar irradiance models on a common dataset via an inter-comparison exercise. As part of the community effort, a new framework is under development to offer a platform for running lunar irraidance models, the LSICS (Lunar Spectral Irradiance Calibration System) and the workshop will be the opportunity to discuss and refine the system specifications through direct interactions with potential futur users. Finally, the meeting is intending to provide more insight on the use of lunar observations in satellite mission Cal/Val plans and for sensor monitoring activities, including for future Earth observing systems and in the infra-red and microwave domains.

The agenda, presentations, summary and minutes of the meeting will be published on this page once available and agreed with the participants to the meeting.

Summary and minutes

Summary of the meeting Summary of the Fourth Joint GSICS_IVOS Lunar Calibration Workshop.pdf

Minutes of the meeting Lunar Calibration Workshop 2023 - Minutes v2.pdf

Other documents Other useful links:
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1a_Wagner_LCWS_Opening.pptxpptx 1a_Wagner_LCWS_Opening.pptx manage 11 MB 23 Jan 2024 - 11:30 SebastienWagner  
1b_Bojkov_LCWS_EUMETSAT_Welcome_Address.pptxpptx 1b_Bojkov_LCWS_EUMETSAT_Welcome_Address.pptx manage 144 MB 23 Jan 2024 - 11:32 SebastienWagner  
1d_Turpie_LCWS_Session_Intro-Lunar_Measurements.pptxpptx 1d_Turpie_LCWS_Session_Intro-Lunar_Measurements.pptx manage 505 K 23 Jan 2024 - 11:32 SebastienWagner  
1e_Krijger_SCIAMACHY_lunardataset.pptxpptx 1e_Krijger_SCIAMACHY_lunardataset.pptx manage 24 MB 23 Jan 2024 - 11:32 SebastienWagner  
1f_Turpie_Update_on_air-LUSI.pptxpptx 1f_Turpie_Update_on_air-LUSI.pptx manage 40 MB 23 Jan 2024 - 11:33 SebastienWagner  
1g_Maxwell_NIST_Lunar_Workshop.pptxpptx 1g_Maxwell_NIST_Lunar_Workshop.pptx manage 35 MB 23 Jan 2024 - 11:33 SebastienWagner  
1h_Hu_Latest update of groundSpace-based Lunar measurement and model validation from China.pptxpptx 1h_Hu_Latest update of groundSpace-based Lunar measurement and model validation from China.pptx manage 11 MB 23 Jan 2024 - 11:33 SebastienWagner  
1i_Bialek_LIME Presentation_GSICS_Dec_23_mesurements.pdfpdf 1i_Bialek_LIME Presentation_GSICS_Dec_23_mesurements.pdf manage 2 MB 23 Jan 2024 - 11:34 SebastienWagner  
1k_Kouremeti_PrecisionFilterRadiometer_LunarDirectIrradiance.pdfpdf 1k_Kouremeti_PrecisionFilterRadiometer_LunarDirectIrradiance.pdf manage 5 MB 23 Jan 2024 - 11:35 SebastienWagner  
1l_Lukashin_ARCSTONE.pdfpdf 1l_Lukashin_ARCSTONE.pdf manage 3 MB 23 Jan 2024 - 11:35 SebastienWagner  
1m_Kopp_Instruments.pdfpdf 1m_Kopp_Instruments.pdf manage 7 MB 23 Jan 2024 - 11:35 SebastienWagner  
1o_Stone_LCWS_Session_Intro-Lunar_Models.pptxpptx 1o_Stone_LCWS_Session_Intro-Lunar_Models.pptx manage 505 K 23 Jan 2024 - 11:37 SebastienWagner  
1p_Adriaensen_LIME_model_presentation.pdfpdf 1p_Adriaensen_LIME_model_presentation.pdf manage 2 MB 23 Jan 2024 - 11:36 SebastienWagner  
1q_Krijger_new_LESSR_model.pptxpptx 1q_Krijger_new_LESSR_model.pptx manage 859 K 23 Jan 2024 - 11:37 SebastienWagner  
1r_Kieffer_Redesign.pdfpdf 1r_Kieffer_Redesign.pdf manage 523 K 23 Jan 2024 - 11:38 SebastienWagner  
2a_Stone_lunar_model_comparison-rev1.pptxpptx 2a_Stone_lunar_model_comparison-rev1.pptx manage 52 MB 23 Jan 2024 - 11:54 SebastienWagner  
2b_Kieffer_Converging.pdfpdf 2b_Kieffer_Converging.pdf manage 148 K 23 Jan 2024 - 11:54 SebastienWagner  
2d_Stone_Intro_to_LSICS_development.pptxpptx 2d_Stone_Intro_to_LSICS_development.pptx manage 103 K 23 Jan 2024 - 11:56 SebastienWagner  
2f_Wu Admin Support for LSICS.pptxpptx 2f_Wu Admin Support for LSICS.pptx manage 1 MB 23 Jan 2024 - 11:56 SebastienWagner  
2g_Basnet_Implementation of Lunar Spectral Irradiance Calibration System.pptxpptx 2g_Basnet_Implementation of Lunar Spectral Irradiance Calibration System.pptx manage 2 MB 23 Jan 2024 - 11:57 SebastienWagner  
2h_Kieffer_SpecIntro.pdfpdf 2h_Kieffer_SpecIntro.pdf manage 266 K 23 Jan 2024 - 11:58 SebastienWagner  
3a_Wagner_LCWS_Session_Intro-Mission_Monitoring.pptxpptx 3a_Wagner_LCWS_Session_Intro-Mission_Monitoring.pptx manage 505 K 23 Jan 2024 - 16:31 SebastienWagner  
3b_ToruKouyama_SP model_and_CAI-2_application.pdfpdf 3b_ToruKouyama_SP model_and_CAI-2_application.pdf manage 2 MB 23 Jan 2024 - 16:31 SebastienWagner  
3c_Jing_Jilin-1 space-borne Lunar irradiance measurement and applications.pptxpptx 3c_Jing_Jilin-1 space-borne Lunar irradiance measurement and applications.pptx manage 22 MB 23 Jan 2024 - 16:32 SebastienWagner  
3d_Adriaensen_LIME_comparison_PROBA-V.pdfpdf 3d_Adriaensen_LIME_comparison_PROBA-V.pdf manage 1 MB 23 Jan 2024 - 16:32 SebastienWagner  
3e_Wagner_OLCI_Lunar_Calibration_Monitoring.pptxpptx 3e_Wagner_OLCI_Lunar_Calibration_Monitoring.pptx manage 12 MB 23 Jan 2024 - 16:32 SebastienWagner  
3g_Rosenberg_OCO2OCO3Trend.pptxpptx 3g_Rosenberg_OCO2OCO3Trend.pptx manage 6 MB 23 Jan 2024 - 16:33 SebastienWagner  
3h_Chapsky_OCO2LunarCal.pdfpdf 3h_Chapsky_OCO2LunarCal.pdf manage 3 MB 23 Jan 2024 - 16:33 SebastienWagner  
3i_Haemmerle_OCO3_Lunar.pptxpptx 3i_Haemmerle_OCO3_Lunar.pptx manage 11 MB 23 Jan 2024 - 16:34 SebastienWagner  
3k_Aki_GOSAT-2_monitoring (1).pdfpdf 3k_Aki_GOSAT-2_monitoring (1).pdf manage 2 MB 24 Jan 2024 - 13:24 SebastienWagner  
3l_Choi_NOAA-20 VIIRS CC_WW_v1.pptxpptx 3l_Choi_NOAA-20 VIIRS CC_WW_v1.pptx manage 12 MB 23 Jan 2024 - 16:34 SebastienWagner  
3n_Takahashi_Himawari89LunarCal.pptxpptx 3n_Takahashi_Himawari89LunarCal.pptx manage 12 MB 23 Jan 2024 - 16:34 SebastienWagner  
3o_Wagner_SEVIRI_Lunar_Calibration_Monitoring+EOL.pptxpptx 3o_Wagner_SEVIRI_Lunar_Calibration_Monitoring+EOL.pptx manage 84 MB 23 Jan 2024 - 16:35 SebastienWagner  
3p_Debaecker_MTG_FCI and LI the challenges of performing lunar calibration for radiometric assessments.pptxpptx 3p_Debaecker_MTG_FCI and LI the challenges of performing lunar calibration for radiometric assessments.pptx manage 21 MB 23 Jan 2024 - 16:35 SebastienWagner  
3q_On-Orbit Radiometric Calibration of <a class="foswikiNewLink" href="/bin/edit/Development/FY4A?topicparent=Development.LunarCalibrationWS2023" rel="nofollow" title="Create this topic">FY4A</a> AGRI based on Lunar Observations final.pptxpptx 3q_On-Orbit Radiometric Calibration of FY4A AGRI based on Lunar Observations final.pptx manage 2 MB 23 Jan 2024 - 16:35 SebastienWagner  
3s_Meister_OCI_lunar_GM.pdfpdf 3s_Meister_OCI_lunar_GM.pdf manage 9 MB 23 Jan 2024 - 16:36 SebastienWagner  
3s_Meister_OCI_lunar_GM.pptxpptx 3s_Meister_OCI_lunar_GM.pptx manage 41 MB 23 Jan 2024 - 16:36 SebastienWagner  
3t_Wilson_GSICS_2023_modis_lunar_phase.pptxpptx 3t_Wilson_GSICS_2023_modis_lunar_phase.pptx manage 14 MB 23 Jan 2024 - 16:36 SebastienWagner  
4a_Hewison_Thermal Lunar Calibration Discussion.pptxpptx 4a_Hewison_Thermal Lunar Calibration Discussion.pptx manage 520 K 24 Jan 2024 - 13:57 SebastienWagner  
4b_Burgdorf_EUM-Cal-Workshop-Venus.pptxpptx 4b_Burgdorf_EUM-Cal-Workshop-Venus.pptx manage 2 MB 24 Jan 2024 - 13:57 SebastienWagner  
4c_Wohlfarth_Thermal_Model.pptxpptx 4c_Wohlfarth_Thermal_Model.pptx manage 37 MB 24 Jan 2024 - 14:00 SebastienWagner  
4d_Mueller_MoonMW_TPMcomparison_final.pdfpdf 4d_Mueller_MoonMW_TPMcomparison_final.pdf manage 9 MB 24 Jan 2024 - 14:00 SebastienWagner  
4e_Yang_MicroLunarRTM_satobsval_HYang_120223.pdfpdf 4e_Yang_MicroLunarRTM_satobsval_HYang_120223.pdf manage 18 MB 24 Jan 2024 - 14:01 SebastienWagner  
4g_Mueller_MoonHIRS_TPMcomparison_final.pdfpdf 4g_Mueller_MoonHIRS_TPMcomparison_final.pdf manage 6 MB 24 Jan 2024 - 14:02 SebastienWagner  
4h_Sic_IASI_moon.pdfpdf 4h_Sic_IASI_moon.pdf manage 1 MB 24 Jan 2024 - 14:02 SebastienWagner  
4i_Burgdorf_EUM_Lunar_Cal_Workshop_4.pptxpptx 4i_Burgdorf_EUM_Lunar_Cal_Workshop_4.pptx manage 5 MB 24 Jan 2024 - 14:05 SebastienWagner  
4j_Rio Fernandes_OroraTech.pdfpdf 4j_Rio Fernandes_OroraTech.pdf manage 5 MB 24 Jan 2024 - 14:03 SebastienWagner  
4k_Xiong_2023_GSICS_LUNAR_WKSP_XIONG_TEB.pptxpptx 4k_Xiong_2023_GSICS_LUNAR_WKSP_XIONG_TEB.pptx manage 12 MB 24 Jan 2024 - 14:04 SebastienWagner  
4m_Yu_LCWS_Session_Intro_Alternative_Applications.pptxpptx 4m_Yu_LCWS_Session_Intro_Alternative_Applications.pptx manage 505 K 24 Jan 2024 - 14:05 SebastienWagner  
4n_Adriaensen_MTF_and_Straylight.pdfpdf 4n_Adriaensen_MTF_and_Straylight.pdf manage 1 MB 24 Jan 2024 - 14:05 SebastienWagner  
4o_Straif_Lunar imagery and MTF post launch assessment from FCI.pptxpptx 4o_Straif_Lunar imagery and MTF post launch assessment from FCI.pptx manage 3 MB 24 Jan 2024 - 14:06 SebastienWagner  
4p_Yu_GOESR_ABI_Straylight_Corrections.pptxpptx 4p_Yu_GOESR_ABI_Straylight_Corrections.pptx manage 6 MB 24 Jan 2024 - 14:06 SebastienWagner  
4q_Wilson_GSICS_2023_mtf_surface_2023_1207_1650.pptxpptx 4q_Wilson_GSICS_2023_mtf_surface_2023_1207_1650.pptx manage 12 MB 24 Jan 2024 - 14:08 SebastienWagner  
4r_Campanelli_Skynet_network_aerosols_moon_irradiance.pdfpdf 4r_Campanelli_Skynet_network_aerosols_moon_irradiance.pdf manage 8 MB 25 Jan 2024 - 14:37 SebastienWagner  
5b_Maxwell_Summary-Lunar_Measurements.pptxpptx 5b_Maxwell_Summary-Lunar_Measurements.pptx manage 577 K 24 Jan 2024 - 14:11 SebastienWagner  
5c_Stone_Session_Summary-Lunar_Models.pptxpptx 5c_Stone_Session_Summary-Lunar_Models.pptx manage 514 K 24 Jan 2024 - 14:11 SebastienWagner  
5d_Wagner_LCWS_Summary_Session_Mission_Monitoring - Copy.pptxpptx 5d_Wagner_LCWS_Summary_Session_Mission_Monitoring - Copy.pptx manage 521 K 24 Jan 2024 - 14:12 SebastienWagner  
5e_Hewison_Thermal Lunar Calibration Discussion.pptxpptx 5e_Hewison_Thermal Lunar Calibration Discussion.pptx manage 517 K 24 Jan 2024 - 14:12 SebastienWagner  
5f_Yu_summary_Alternative_Applications.pptxpptx 5f_Yu_summary_Alternative_Applications.pptx manage 511 K 14 Mar 2024 - 13:37 FangfangYu  
Agenda 4th <a href="/bin/view/Development/LunarCalibrationWorkshop">LunarCalibrationWorkshop</a> - December 2023 final.xlsxxlsx Agenda 4th LunarCalibrationWorkshop - December 2023 final.xlsx manage 32 K 25 Jan 2024 - 14:38 SebastienWagner  
Lunar Calibration Workshop 2023 - Minutes v2.pdfpdf Lunar Calibration Workshop 2023 - Minutes v2.pdf manage 672 K 11 Jun 2024 - 12:35 SebastienWagner  
Spec.pdfpdf Spec.pdf manage 634 K 23 Jan 2024 - 11:58 SebastienWagner  
Summary of the Fourth Joint GSICS_IVOS Lunar Calibration Workshop.pdfpdf Summary of the Fourth Joint GSICS_IVOS Lunar Calibration Workshop.pdf manage 707 K 11 Jun 2024 - 12:35 SebastienWagner  
Wagner_4thLCWS_Preparation_GSICS.pptxpptx Wagner_4thLCWS_Preparation_GSICS.pptx manage 9 MB 15 Nov 2023 - 08:47 SebastienWagner  
Topic revision: r16 - 11 Jun 2024, SebastienWagner
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